My dear older cousin Raisha transitioned to the other side (or what we call died) several years ago.  She grew up in the states, and then moved to Israel where she met, married and raised a family with her husband, Froike.  After his early passing, she continued living on the kibbutz, with her children and …


Have you ever noticed that you see more of what you are thinking about and concentrating on?   When we were considering replacing our backyard fence, all of a sudden we started seeing fences everywhere.  When we took walks, we noticed our neighbor’s fences that we had never really seen or paid attention to before.  They …


The other day I was helping out a neighbor who had just had a very involved dental procedure.  Somehow his body had grown a fourth molar which is one beyond the usual wisdom tooth.  My job was simply to babysit his dog so that he could get some needed rest after the surgery. However, when …

Transitioning from parent to grandparent, Let the show run

For Twenty five years, I wrote and directed original musicals for young children.  I created a theatre program in an alternative school and had a cast of 200 children ages two years through middle school.  Because I wrote the shows, I had a very clear idea of what I wanted to create and because I …


My grandparents spoke a language called Yiddish.  It is a combination of German, Hebrew, and their local Belarusian- Lithuanian dialects.  Today it is considered to be an endangered language because according to Wikipedia: Eighty-five percent of the approximately six million Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust were Yiddish speakers, leading to a massive decline in …

Making your dreams come true

These days you often hear people talking about manifesting their heart’s desires.  Regarding this topic, I would like to share with you an excerpt from  my book, “Empath is Not a Four-Letter Word”. Concentrate on What You Want! Concentrate on what you want, not on what you don’t want. Worry is a complete waste of …

Connecting with the trees

If you are someone who loves trees and you have the desire to connect more deeply with them, I invite you to try a fun experiment.  I learned this little game from Donna Eden. Whenever you are walking  outside, simply notice the trees around you.  Look at each one as if you are scanning.   As …

Have you ever wondered what advice one of your teachers would give you from the other side?

After a beloved Eden Energy Medicine teacher passed from COVID complications, I was completely surprised and puzzled by the message I got from him. His name was Rand, and he asked me to share his message with the community. Rand had the most loving energy, so it was very easy for me to tune into …

Why is the book called “Empath is Not a Four-Letter Word “?

Thanks Kris for submitting this question : Dear Sandy, Your book looks fascinating.  As a fellow empath, who also works with beautiful sensitive souls, I would love to read your book.  I will buy a copy. But I have a question.  What is the four-letter word you are referring to?  💕 Kris Dear Kris, Thanks so …

The Wrong Way to do Distance Healing

One of my closest friends used to say, “There is a right way, a wrong way, and then there is Sandy’s way”.  She said that because I always seem to find my own creative way of approaching things.  However, when it comes to sending distant healing to someone, if you are sensitive, I have come …